
Traduire Dhalgren

Jun 02, 2023 - Jun 03, 2023

Translating Dhalgren is invited to Glassbox for the publication of Bellona Times n°1, the diary of a collective, dubious and labyrinthine translation of Dhalgren (Samuel R. Delany), a queer science fiction novel published in 1975.

"The translator's workshop remains a mystery, as if there were some kind of undertaking going on there, where only the result - the published translation - mattered, the process gradually erasing its traces". (Fabienne Durand-Bogaert, "What genetics says, translation does", Genesis, no. 38, 2014, p. 8.)

The Bellona Times sets out to do just the opposite: to make the traces visible, to count together the steps - wanderings and detours - that separate the 'original' text (if in Dhalgren's case this notion has any meaning) from one of its possible translations.

- You going into Bellona?

- Thats right.

➺ FRIDAY 2 JUNE - 7 pm

Screening of Orchid, an experimental film by Samuel R. Delany, released in 1971. As in Dhalgren, it deals with a labyrinthine city, insect masks, desire and orchids.

➺ SATURDAY 3 JUNE - 10 am > 5 pm

Collective translation workshop by Dhalgren - with a collective lunch at noon for those attending.Please feel free to let us know if you are attending @dianaduta_ or

➺ SATURDAY 3 JUNE - 18 hVernissage for the launch of the freshly printed magazine - come and pick up your copy!

"I suppose I'm just getting frustrated by what written words can't do. [...] I strip and bleach so the faint patternings of a real voice will show through;" (Dhalgren, 1975 - p. 680)